Lets talk about Meeeee…….


So, ever since I was a small boy it has been my dream to become a Wedding Cinematographer…..said nobody…ever….Like most things that happen in life I fell into this profession by chance.

It’s 2002, my sisters was getting married in Gretna Green and I had a video recorder so I thought it would be nice to put something together for her. Now I’m not going to pretend it was some life changing moment that as soon as I hit record I knew this was my vocation, it wasn’t like that unfortunately but when all the family gathered around the TV to see my finished edit and all started crying, (happy tears…just saying) smiling and laughing I got this overwhelming sense of fulfillment and happiness. I mean..we all enjoy making people happy right? Its human nature and that’s the number one reason I do this job, to make my clients happy.

This is what I wanted, something I was passionate about, so I maxed out my credit card and bought a professional camera. I then built myself a website…great..but I had no work…worse than that I had no examples to show anyone so I did 3 weddings for free and that was enough to get a 4 minute show reel together.

So here I am, after 17 years, over 500 weddings split over 12 different countries still loving what I do, still finding this job incredibly rewarding, always learning, always improving, embracing new techniques always trying to make the current film better than the previous one. I have seen a lot of changes in this industry over the years, the standard of work being produced has never been higher and having a wedding film is slowly moving from a nice to have to a must for a lot of couples and that can only be a good thing.